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Overt Clinical Signs Specific to Cirrhosis (advanced/severe fibrosis) of the Liver

The following clinical signs suggest the presence of cirrhosis. 
These findings included:

  • distended abdominal veins (Caput Medusae)

  • ascites

  • gynecomastia

  • Terrys nails

  • ​facial telangiectasia - spider nevi (angioma) 

  • palmar erythema 

  • jaundice

Distended abdominal veins (Caput Medusae)

Caput Medusae - 2.jpg
Caput Medusae - 1.jpg


Ascites - 1.jpg
Ascites & Caput Medusae.jpg


Gynecomastia - 3.jpg
Gynecomastia - 2.jpg
Gynecomastia - 1.jpg

Terrys nails

Terry's nails - 1.jpg
Terry nails - 4.jpg
Terry's nails - 2.jpg
Terry nails - 3.jpg

Normal nails

Normal Nail.jpg
Normal nail - 2.jpg

Facial telangiectasia - Spider nevi (angioma) 

Spider Nevi - 1.jpg
Spider Nevi - 3.jpg
Sider Nevi - 2.jpg
Spider Nevi - 4.jpg

Palmar erythema

Palmar erythema  - 2.jpg
Palmar erythema  - 1.jpg


Jaundice - 2.jpg
Jaundice - 1.jpg

Staging of HCV in terms of fibrosis and cirrhosis (severe fibrosis)



Staging Fibrosis

  • APRI (fibrosis scoring)

  • FIB-4 (fibrosis scoring)


Staging Cirrhosis

  • Encephalopathy

  • Ascites

  • History of esophageal varices and/or upper GI bleeding

  • CPT (Child-Turcotte-Pugh) – severity of Cirrhosis (severe fibrosis)



Fibrosis Calculations

APRI is ______ -

FIB-4 is ______ -


Use FIB-4 as an initial assessment. In chronic HCV, when combined with APRI, it has excellent negative predictive value for excluding advanced fibrosis. The positive predictive value is less clear.  

Note: Order liver elastography (FibroScan) for those with FIB-4 >1.5 and/or APRI >0.5






























Clinically Assessing Encephalopathy














Clinically Assessing Ascites

  • Not Clinically Evident

  • Mild - Moderate (Grade 1 or 2)

  • Severe (Grade 3)








​​Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP)  -














Child Class A = Compensated Cirrhosis (Stage 1 or 2)

Child Class B = Decompensated Cirrhosis (Stage 3)

Child Class C = Severe Decompensated Cirrhosis (Stage 4)
















Fibroscan Results​​​












Hepatitis B Panel - circle the appropriate indicator (negative or positive) for the 3 HBV tests below:

  • HBsAG - Hepatitis B Surface Antigen with Reflex to Confirmation – negative or positive

  • HBcAb (Anti-HBc) - Hepatitis B Core Antibody (IgM) – negative or positive

  • HBsAb (Anti-HBs) - Hepatitis B Surface Antibody, Quantitative – negative or positive

Fibrosis Staging.png
Child-Turcotte-Pugh Class A-B-C.png
Four-Stage Cirrhosis Classification System.jpg
Grades of Ascites.png
Encephalopathy - West Haven Criteria for Grading Mental State.png
Fibroscan Liver Firbrosis Staging Scale.jpg
HBV - interpretation.png

Contact HRA 

Email: (        Phone: (501) 209-8232 


* If you call and no one answers, please leave a message and

we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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